2021.02.17 WinNTSetup 4.5.0 Final
- Dropped 32-Bit version, system requirements are now Windows 7×64 +
- VHD functions no longer uses diskpart.exe
- VHD Attach / Detach supports ISO files
- VHD Creation supports GPT Partitionsttyle
- VHD Install will always create internal boot files depending on partition style
- new default VHD creation type MBR – BIOS/UEFI
- added VHD command line options /gpt and /mbr
- fixed instant VHD creation cylinder bug
- fixed iso mount does not select install.swm
- Fixed open file dialog pattern not working on default WinPE 3.x +
- Fixed wimgapi capture build number on H2 Systems (19041 instead 19042)
- Support multiple “-regtweaks” cmdline switches
- Workaround Win10 MessageBox Font bug
- added ini option [vhd] bootpartsize
- new ini option “RemoveBootMountsOnExit”
- ini option BootMountExclude supports Vendor name
- rewrote all file and registry recursion functions to use iteration
- command line VHD creation uses expandable by default
- command line VHD ignores disk size for expandable type
- removed NT5 uxtheme patch
- DPI-Awareness for Imdisk
- Darkmode and DPI-Awareness for Bootice
- ARM64 password reset
- fixed ARM64 uxtheme patch
* 替换扩展功能组件BOOTICE v1.3.3 多语言版为 v1.3.4 单文件版
* 集成了ADK文件,首次启动无联网下载 ADK 提示,便于PE下用
* 调整简体中文语言翻译,将中文语言移到主程序内删除其它语言
├—汉化MergeIDE的提示, DeFender的提示等
├—集成处理wim镜像的神器 wimlib v1.13.3
BOOTICE:功能强大的启动维护工具,强大的引导扇区编辑工具!启动相关的维护小工具,用于安装、修复、备份和恢复磁盘(镜像)的MBR 或分区 PBR;编辑 Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 10 的 BCD;管理 UEFI 启动项。还具有磁盘扇区编辑、磁盘填充、分区管理、磁盘重分区及格式化等功能。
蓝奏网盘 天翼云盘
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